Who am I ?

My adventure with Croatia began in 1997. Since then I have been loyal to both countries, Polan and Croatia. I graduated my master's degree at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, majoring in Laguages and culture of the Southern Slavs.  Then, after completing School of tourism Tourism at the Uniwersity of Phisical Education in Krakow, I decided to follow well-worn paths. During the last year of my studies in Krakow, I managed to go get into the Uniwersity of Filology in Rijeka. The entire adventure associated with these event confirms the statement that persistence pays off. To this day I am the owner of student's record book nr.1! Which means I was first foreign student in history of the University. It was an unforgetable, very enriching but also extremely difficult experience. After finishing all studies and passing exam to became tour lider I went to Croatia to do my first job as a represententive of travel agency which hired me.  For couple of years it was my seasonal job, but as time was passing it turned into smomething more serious. 

In 2018, after providing guide services as a hobby for several years, I decided to open my own business. In 2021, I formally became oral and writen tranlator, although I have been translating since my studies. Now my two activities are intertwined and one cannot exist without the other. I invite you to cooperate with me in many areas. I will do my best to ensure you that your trust will pay off. Your order will be done with maximum of attention and professionalism.


Visite inspiring places in Croatia and fell positive energz !

Let's meet !

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Karolina Tutić

Guide & Translator

Karolina Tutić

Guide & Translator

Tour giude & translator

Karolina Tutić


 +385 95 890 6258

